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The Best Playgrounds For Every Age


When we think of playgrounds, we automatically think of kids running and playing, but what we sometimes forget is that these community spaces can be beneficial to every age range! Playgrounds don’t have to be limited to school age children, they can include equipment to cater to and promote active lifestyles across a vast age range!

Here at ABC Recreation, we offer a multitude of play equipment to satisfy whatever needs your community may have. Here is a compiled list of some of our favourites for various ages!


6 months to 2 years

Although we might not realize, in the first part of their lives, infants are learning how the world works and are building up a foundation of how they see the world. At this age, children are in a solitary play stage and are so focused on their surroundings that they often do not notice others around them when given visual stimulation. They are gaining strength, stability and fine tuning their motor skills.

The Bead and Block Panel is a perfect addition for infants to build their motor skills, gain strength and improve stability.


2 – 5 Years

Known as “the onlooker” phase, kids at this age are more aware of their surroundings, more vocal and playful. This is often a time of solo imagination with some support from parents or caregivers. For this age bracket, we suggest the Smart Play structures. The Smart Play Fire Station is great for imagination! It lets kids take control at the wheel, pet Sparky the friendly fire dog or look at themselves in a mirror that shows them how they’d look in uniform. With the SmartPlay Market Cafe, kids can take turns placing meal orders, make pictures in the image panels and chat about food colours and tastes.


5-12 years

At this age kids are entering the associative play stage. They are now more inclined to join other children and engage with them on the playground. Completely organic and in the moment, kids start to form their moral reasoning and gain the capabilities of cooperative play. Their range of motion and physicality is now much more vast and thus they need bigger challenges in order to stay fulfilled and engaged. 

Netplex is a great choice for this age range as it offers strategic climbing challenges within a hub of multileveled towers, cables and webbed nets.


13 & Beyond! 

Teens and adults may not be as inclined to play on playgrounds, but that doesn’t mean they should be overlooked. We also offer many options for outdoor exercise equipment that can aid you in vastly improving your community’s health.

Whether it is an adventurous fitness challenge you want with our FitCore Extreme equipment or the HealthBeat system for more traditional exercises, the more time you spend outdoors, the better for you AND your long term health. The family that plays together stays together!

We believe that physical activity, no matter what the age, is paramount to a healthy future! Contact us today and help us help you create a better tomorrow.