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Stay Protected and Safe with Outdoor Shelters



Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been difficult to know how we can visit our friends and family safely. The CDC says to “avoid closed and crowded spaces”, but what about being outside? During the summer, we saw a decrease in cases which was an amazing accomplishment, but what was even more positive news is that it was recommended to be outdoors while visiting loved ones or meeting with colleagues.


While this is great news, it shined a spotlight on the need for sheltered outdoor spaces to ensure we can see people safely, no matter the forecast for the day!


This need is apparent in many use cases and we have put together three spaces that could benefit from these protected spaces.


Nursing Homes:

It became very difficult to visit loved ones living in nursing homes since going indoors wasn’t an option for a few months. Having a sheltered space outside of nursing homes or other care facilities would be a great way to not only add a spot for residents to get some fresh air, but allows family members to visit safely, while being protected.



In our previous blog “Expanding Our Classrooms to the Great Outdoors” we shared some amazing innovations that Landscape Structures has designed to make outdoor learning more inviting and fun. Whether you are choosing to bring your classroom outdoors, or you want to have more options for kids to spend time outside, shaded areas are perfect to ensure kids are protected from the sun, and can enjoy the fresh air at all times of the day. 



Working from home may be the new normal for now, but what about when people go back to their regular in-office routine? Many businesses are equipped with indoor break rooms, but outdoors spaces are a great way to encourage employees to spend time outside when interacting with others. Shelters are great to provide shade over picnic tables, seating areas, or green spaces that may be available to cover your property. It is important to connect and take breaks with colleagues, but it is even better, and safer, to enjoy those times outdoors.


Our partners at Poligon have some wonderful designs that can complement your existing space or enhance your new space perfectly. You can choose from steel, fabric or wood structures offering you multiple options that can be easily customized to fit any size area. 


Being outside already has so many benefits. Increased energy, a boost in your spirits and of course letting all that Vitamin D soak into your skin. However, now more than ever we need to increase the number of sheltered public spaces in our communities. At ABC Recreation, we take great pride in creating inclusive spaces for everyone and shelters are no exception. We would love to help you choose a design style that is right for your site! Contact us to learn more.