Our Favourite Commercial Playground Swings
Swings have long been a playground staple and they continue to offer hours of fun and physical activity for children of all ages. Swinging back and forth is more than it seems. This simple motion fuels the nervous system with visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive information. Children learn how their body moves though space, the speed of movements they like, and the motor planning necessary to resist or increase active movement. Swinging also builds core and grip strength by holding onto the swing and can improve coordination when a child learns to pump their legs and swing by themselves. There are emotional benefits to swinging, too. Often this simple activity helps calm an overstimulated child.
At ABC Recreation, we make it easy to incorporate commercial playground swings into your playground design. Our playground supplier, Landscape Structures, uses only the safest, most durable materials that are built to withstand years of play and exposure to the elements. We offer a wide variety of swings sized right for kids from 6 months to 12+ years old and for all levels of abilities. Keep reading to learn about our favourite commercial playground swings.
Swing Frames
Swing Seats
A commercial swing set adds the finishing touch to your playground. Simply choose a swing frame and add any combination of swing seats to create your perfect swing set combination. It’s that easy! Contact the team at ABC Recreation to learn more about our swing sets or to add a swing set to your next playground project.